30 Sept 2011

Debut albums - The oft too easy first album

I've noticed a trend in my listening habits and I think I may be onto something. I love most of my favourite bands' debut albums, it's as if they all have a thread that magically links them together. And I think I've found it.

Bands generally draw heavily from their inspirations on their first albums, I am not going to list all of them here though, because that would just be silly, and it's Friday. Anyway, I think that because those albums are by their definition retrospective, they really do strike a chord with me. If only because it's the same way I look at music.

It's all from somewhere, and I find it more apparent in debut albums. Then comes the "difficult" second album, where the band needs to find its own voice, to drop the comparisons, and I will admit, many pull it off. Then comes the test of longevity, which so many bands fail, hopelessly.

Third albums are killers, they're very difficult to get right and if you don't, then what? My take is just that as musicians these bands grow and the more you grow, the more you want to try new things, it's evolution, but that's also when many bands start losing the plot.

I probably didn't teach you anything, but this train of thought has me going back through all of my favourite bands' debut offerings to see if I spot more of their influences, or themselves (having listened to all their records) on their debut.

And on that note, I will leave you with one question, what do you consider to be the best debut album ever?


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